Wednesday, February 13, 2008

SuperDuper is Leopard compatible

My favorite backup app in the entire world... no wait... the entire universe is now Leopard compatible. You would think that between family (especially with twins babies- Charlotte (L) and David) and work and church and ASMP other commitments I wouldn't have time to obsess over a backup program... but I make time for the important things ;-)

SuperDuper is now Leopard compatible. If you don't use it... buy it now and start using it. It is the best bootable backup solution for the Mac.

1 comment:

ThatPhotoDude said...

Fred, Tom Walko here. You are truly Blessed. What beautiful children! I am graduating into the work of the Mac. I am looking for some insight to make sure that I make the most of my Mac investment in support of my professional photographic needs. Let me know the best venue for tapping into your vast and generous knowledge of the Zen of the Mac!

