Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Chair

I found this chair in an alley sitting in the cactus on a walk back home from the gym a while back. It was next to some trash bins so I assume it was meant to be thrown out. I shot it, and knew I liked it (the photo, not the chair), but spent most of the rest of my walk home trying to figure out what is was abouth the scene that grabbed me.

Was it the contrast between the green and red? Was it the fact that the chair, which didn't look to be in too bad of shape was abandoned in such a prickly spot amidst the cactus? Even though it is a total juxtaposition of elements, every time I look at the image, the chair just seems to belong there. Almost as though the cactus has grown up around it.

I guess in some ways it reminds me of a throne and in that setting, I suppose, a throne for a particularly prickly ruler of some sort.

Maybe what it is that gets me is the unanswered question of how did it end up there.

This was shot with my iPhone 5 (since I don't take a full loadout of cameras to the gym with me)

Happy Aug 6