Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another Great Little App -- Savvy Clipboard

Savvy Clipboard is one of my favorite little apps and let me tell you why...

What it does is creates a little clipboard that can sit on your desktop and it will collect all the things you copy and paste; each one in its own little tab. Once they are there, you can give individual items hot keys or lock them or delete them after you don't need them anymore. It is a great place to store the silly little things that you seem to paste over and over again. It has also proven handy more than once when I copied something and then deleted it... and then copied something else before I pasted the first thing... re-write city.

With Savvy Clipboard you just click on the tab of the item you want and "Apple-V" it right back into your document or wherever else it belongs. It is one of the little things that you never realize how handy it is until you've tried it.

It's $12 but it is a small price to pay for some cut and paste happiness.