Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Quick fix for smudgy MacBook

So I have one of the new aluminum Macbooks. I love it. It has traveled the world with me since I got it back in November. But this morning I was using it in direct sunlight (not ideal, but I was in a place I had no choice) and I noticed what looked like fingerprints smudged under the glass that covers the screen. It made it look cloudy in those areas when there was sunlight back-lighting it.

I tried cleaning it, just in case, but it was under the glass. I had noticed smudges in that corner before under different light, but always assumed it was on the outside and I cleaned the glass (while inside under less light) and everything looked fine. This time, I did the whole thing with sunlight to my back and I was shocked to see it was under the glass.

I made an appointment at the Apple store to get it fixed, and hoped it would not be a problem getting it fixed. I showed up to my appointment (made within an hour of my screen smudge discovery thanks to the ProCare membership I spent $99 for) and was helped by a friendly Apple Genius named Michael Brown.

We walked out into the sunlight so he could see the smudges, agreed it was a problem, checked it in to be fixed and said I would most likely have it back this afternoon. I knew that ProCare was supposed to expedite repairs, but I really doubted that I would have it back same day. He (Michael) even verified that they had another screen to replace mine with. I gave him the laptop and went on my way.

Five hours later, I got the call my laptop was done. I am typing this on my now smudge-free MacBook while watching my son at a karate class.

Three cheers for Apple service and Pro Care.